- Las Positas College
- Governance
- Faculty Hiring Prioritization Committee
- Faculty Prioritization Process
Faculty Hiring Prioritization Committee
Faculty Prioritization Process
Hiring faculty on a timely basis is essential to finding the best-qualified candidates. This time line allows positions to be awarded at the earliest possible date.
The full FHPC will meet before the date of the completed Faculty Position Request Forms are due to the Dean to discuss college goals, review the blank Faculty Position Request Form, receive training regarding the interpretation of data from CEMC chair or Director of IR, and receive input from the ex-officio members. If more time is needed, the committee can reconvene before reviewing the Position Requests.
The completed Faculty Position Request Forms should be made available before the end of the academic year and are due in the division office on the Friday before the September Division Meeting. This allows for all requests to be reviewed by Deans before presentation and review at the September Division meeting. These requests will be forwarded to the FHPC.
The FHPC will then meet to discuss and rank the positions the last week of September. At this first meeting of the academic year, Deans will update the FHPC on any positions from the previous year that were posted, but whose searches were incomplete. These positions receive a one-year grace period and do not require a new position request form unless the position is substantially different. Categorically funded positions will be identified, and the committee will decide on a case-by-case basis whether to consider these positions in the ranking process. The FHPC does not make recommendations on whether funded positions are Fall or Spring hires. Minutes and rankings will be made available to the Senate before the Senate reviews and approves the rankings. In the event of a tie among position rankings, the FHPC will review the tied rankings, recommend a prioritization of the tied rankings, and provide a written rationale for the recommendation(s) with the rankings. The Resource Allocation Committee will receive the rankings for informational purposes at its meeting during the first two weeks of October.
The Academic Senate will meet the 2nd week in October to review the rankings.
If the Academic Senate approves the rankings, the rankings will go forward to the LPC President’s office as a recommendation.
If there are any disputes raised by the Academic Senate, the FHPC will reconvene to review the concerns. The FHPC will either reaffirm the rankings or make changes considering the Academic Senate’s concerns. In either case, the Senate will forward the FHPC recommendation along with a written description of Academic Senate concerns to the LPC President’s office by the second week in October. If the President chooses a different prioritization, the committee requests that the President meet with the committee before moving forward with the new prioritization.
In the event of unexpected funding for faculty positions, the FHPC may hold an additional meeting to discuss the position(s), on a case-by-case basis, and whether to recommend those positions for hiring.
Office of the Vice President Academic Services
Nan Ho
Vice President of Academic Services
(925) 424-1103
Carolyn Y. Scott, MPA
Executive Assistant
(925) 424-1104
Andrea Migliaccio, MS
Curriculum & Scheduling Specialist
(925) 424-1108
Liz McWhorter, PhD
Curriculum & SLO Specialist
(925) 424-1106
Vicki Shipman
Career Technical Education Project Manager
(925) 424-1355
Danielle Bañuelos, AA
Administrative Assistant
(925) 424-1111