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Las Positas College

Employer Services

Recruiting Our Students

Handshake: Job and Internship Board

Step 1: Register as an employer on Handshake (Las Positas College Internship & Job Board). Services are FREE! See this helpful guide, Getting Started with Handshake: Employers.

Step 2: Once approved as an employer,  you can post job openings and/or internship opportunities.

Handshake Tips


Remember to choose Las Positas College in the "Schools" tab when you post a job or internship.

Salary Range

Choose “Custom Range” when creating a job posting since Handshake ranges don’t match CA wage requirements

Setting Application Dates

Keep in mind that students usually need 2-4 weeks to apply for a job or internship since some of them are new to job search and need time to prepare a resume.

Free Messaging

Utilize Handshake's 25 free messages per month to email "Matches" for your job and encourage them to apply. Tailor your searches and messages to the student's major and skill set.

Email for New Employer Profile

Create employer profile with an email that matches website URL (or an email that can be found on your website) 

New Account for Existing Employer Profile

If your company already has a profile, ask the Career Center Coordinator or the "owner" of your company's Handshake profile to send you an invite link to create an employee account. Do not create a duplicate company profile since this can delay approvals in Handshake.

Application Expiration Dates

Remember to expire your job once you have finished hiring. If this is a job that you are always recruiting for, leave it open for a year. In the following year, duplicate the job and then update the application dates.

On-Campus Recruitment

Career Fairs

Other Campus Tabling

  • To set up a table on campus aside from our career fairs, email
  • The cost is $50 for a minimum of 3 hours
  • Request a canopy, table, and chairs
  • Avoid campus tabling in the summer and during the first week of school, mid-terms, finals, holidays, and on Fridays or weekends when fewer students are on campus. Consult the Academic Calendar before making your request.
  • Recommended times are from 10:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 
  • Recommended location: near the cafeteria


Hiring Interns

Please visit our Internships page about recruiting interns and developing an internship program.


Employer Orientations

Learn strategies for building your campus brand, as well as tools and best practices for engaging with LPC's diverse student population.
Next Virtual Orientation: TBD


Become a Career Development Partner

Career Development, also called Work-Based Learning, is an educational strategy that provides Las Positas College students with real-life work experiences related to their field of study.

During these activities, they are able to apply their classroom learning and increase their employability. This link between the classroom and the work place cannot happen, however, without the partnership of the region’s employers. Work-based learning is a commitment by both the College and the employers to develop our students into a better, more successful employee.

Career Development Activities

  • Mock Interviews and Resume Reviews
  • Information Sessions and Guest Speaking
  • Field Trips
  • Job Shadowing
  • Career and Employment Workshops

How to Become a Partner

Contact the Career Center Coordinator and/or the Outreach Specialist in your field about your interest in offering Career Development Activities.

Learn more about these opportunities by visiting our Work-based Learning page 


Workforce Diversity and Inclusion

Las Positas College has many groups that support historically underrepresented students.

In order to promote diversity and inclusion at your workplace, you can become a career development partner for one of these groups at LPC, as well as encourage diverse candidates to apply for your jobs and internships.

LPC Groups Supporting Underrepresented Students

Career Development for Historically Underrepresented Students

In order to demonstrate your commitment to hiring and supporting historically underrepresented students, here are some ideas for ways to partner with the above groups:

  • Offer to present a workshop or serve as a guest speaker
  • Offer to be a mentor
  • Offer resume feedback, LinkedIn assistance, or mock interviews
  • Offer job shadowing or a field trip to your workplace
  • Invite students to visit your affinity groups at your worksite

Tip: Follow clubs and groups on Instagram to see what they are already doing


See our Internships page for ways to encourage diverse students to apply for internships.


Becoming a Trusted Advisor

Career and Technical Education

Las Positas College’s Career & Technical Education (CTE) programs prepare students for skilled trades in a wide range of occupations. These programs offer students a career path that starts in a high-wage, middle-skilled job – the jobs that employers often find hard to fill. To learn more about the College’s CTE program, Career Education Program Website.

What is an Advisory Board?

Each of the CTE programs includes an advisory committee. In today’s rapidly changing work environment, these committees play an essential role in helping Las Positas College keep a pulse on changes in the workplace, both in technologies and industry developments. Information that is brought forth in these committees is used to improve program curriculum, making our students that much more employable and able to meet our region's workforce needs.

In order for these advisory committees to work as they are proposed, each program needs to have participation from industry representatives.

What is the Commitment?

Advisory Board members meet only once or twice a year, and these meetings are a great opportunity to both gain and impart insight for the betterment of the programs. 

How do I join an Advisory Board?

  1. To request to join an advisory board, visit the Career Education webpage.
  2. On the right sidebar, find the outreach specialist in charge of your area, and send them an email letting them know which advisory board you would like to join.

For more information on these advisory committees, please contact the Program Manager, Vicki Shipman.


Invested Partnership

Build your campus brand by showing your investment in student success.

Become a Sponsor

Partner with the Las Positas College Foundation to provide one of the following:

  • Provide a Scholarship
  • Be a Special Event Sponsor
  • Join the Las Positas College Fund/ Circle of Excellence
    • Unrestricted gifts
    • Supports areas of greatest need (student support, campus-based grants, innovation funds)

To contribute to one of the above, contact the LPC Foundation

Faculty Professional Development or Equipment Donation

Demonstrate your commitment to professional development of both faculty and students.

Faculty Professional Development
  • Coordinate faculty visits to your worksite
  • Faculty externship (1-2 month paid experience at your organization)
Equipment Donation
  • Donate classroom equipment or course materials for students. Example: Subaru paid for tools for automotive students
Getting Started

To make an equiment donation or offer faculty professional development, contact the outreach specialist in your field and perhaps the academic dean.


Recruiting Alumni

If you are interested in recruiting alumni and/or all members of the Tri-Valley community, we invite you to connect with the Tri-Valley Career Center's Employer Services team.