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Las Positas College


Students enrolled in online, hybrid, and HyFlex courses are welcome to attend a virtual orientation to Online Learning. For Fall 2024, virtual orientations will take place August 13 from 12-1:30 p.m. and August 14 from 10-11:30 a.m. Both will occur via Zoom. The Zoom meeting link will be posted the mornings of the orientations.

Please note the following:

  1. These orientations are NOT course-specific.
  2. Each orientation covers the same material, so students don't have to attend each session.
  3. If students are seeking to add into courses that are full, they will not be able to do this at these orientations; they will need to contact the instructors directly.

Among the topics typically covered at these orientations are:

  • Dispelling myths about online courses
  • Types of courses offered
  • Qualities of a successful online learner
  • Tips to succeed online
  • Researching online
  • Accessing Zonemail
  • Basic course navigation
  • Using Canvas tools, including the Calendar and Notifications
  • Using course tools, including submitting assignments and taking quizzes
  • Tips, including those for taking quizzes and exams
  • Use of mobile devices
  • Technical tips and requirements
  • Technical support
  • Academic support, including tutoring
  • Login procedures
  • Students with disabilities