Course Wrap-Up
To wrap up each semester, faculty should heed these important points:
- You will have full access to your course until the date and time specified by the Canvas administrator. After that, you will only have read-only access. However, you will be able to export your course.
- Students will have full access to your course until the date and time specified by the Canvas administrator (unless you have changed the Term end date and time). After the Term end date and time passes, students will have read-only access. They can get to the course by clicking Courses – All Courses. The course will show under Past Enrollments.
- If you want students to have full access after the Term end date and time, go into Settings, and for Participation, choose Course. Then increase the End date and time, and click Update Course Details at the bottom.
- If you don’t want students to have any access to the course after the Term end date and time, go to Settings, make sure Term is selected for Participation, and check the box that says: Restrict students from viewing course after term end date. Then click Update Course Details at the bottom.
- Check the accuracy of your grades. For students who do not complete assignments by the deadline dates, manually give them zeros in the Gradebook. If you leave their grade cells blank, those missing assignments won't count against them. Canvas has a feature in the Gradebook settings called Treat Ungraded as 0, but this does not automatically convert dashes to zeros; it only changes the Totals column. Students won’t see zeros or any changes in Totals when they check grades.
- When you are finished with grades, download your Gradebook, and keep your exported Gradebook on your computer or backup drive for safekeeping.
- Archive your course, and save it for safekeeping (in case anything happens to the Canvas system). Go to Settings – Export Course Content – make sure Course is chosen under Export Type, then click Create Export. Once the process is finished, click New Export to download the file to your computer.