Black Student Success Week
April 24 – April 28, 2023
Black Student Success Week is a statewide initiative celebrating and advocating for Black student success in California’s Community Colleges. This year's theme is "Vision to Action: Building Systems and Structures for Black Student Success."
Black Student Success Week is organized in partnership with the following organizations: A2MEND, Umoja Community Education Foundation, The Campaign for College Opportunity, The Education Trust-West, the Equity Avengers, The RP Group, the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, the Community College League of California, the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office, the Foundation for California Community Colleges, and the Student Senate for California Community Colleges.
Las Positas College BSSW Events 2023
Join us daily from 12pm to1pm, for #TheBlackHour, a webinar series hosted by BSSW statewide. Register here or join us in the BCRC for the livestream.
Monday, April 24
Black Student Leadership Summit, 9am-12pm, BCRC (must RSVP)
Tuesday, April 25
Soul Cream Social, 1pm-2:30pm, BCRC
Wednesday, April 26
Past Events (click on each to enlarge)